We Should All Practice Water Conservation. Other than the air we breathe, water is the most vital factor in our lives. Nearly 97% of the world’s water contains salt or is otherwise undrinkable. 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers. 1% remains for all the needs of the people of the world. Water is simply too important to waste. WATER FACTS: Today there is as much water in the world as there was thousands of years ago. In fact, it is the same water. The water from your faucet could contain molecules that flowed in Nile during the time of Cleopatra or even water the dinosaurs drank. The population of the U.S. uses some 450 billion gallons of water every day. 27 billion gallons, about 6%, is taken by public water supply systems. The U.S. daily average of water pumped by those systems is 185 gallons per person.
Generally speaking, less than 1% of the treated water produced by water utilities is actually consumed. The rest goes on lawns, down the drain in washing machines, and toilets, etc. Every glass of water brought to your table in a restaurant requires another two glasses of water to wash and rinse the glass. Since nearly 70 million meals are served each day in U.S. restaurants, we would save more than 26 million gallons of water if only one person in four declined the complimentary glassful. If everyone in the United States flushed the toilet just one less time per day, we could save a lake full of water about a mile long, a mile wide, and four feet deep every day.
For a wide variety of water conservation tips and web sites please visit the SWFWMD’s Water Conservation Web Site by Clicking on the link below. Southwest Florida Water Management District Water Conservation Link Page